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Leasing Information

Our Showing Process

As students found zoom showings very convenient we plan to continue that this fall. We will watch a video tour, look at pictures, and go over questions in the same way we would during an in-person showing. If your group chooses to move forward with signing the lease, we will be holding that meeting via Zoom, as well. Each unit is unique and occupied, so we don’t have any empty model units for showings.

Our Leasing Process

Please check out our current listings page for the most up to date information on our leasing process.

In the spirit of equity and fairness we DO NOT sign prospective residents to waitlists or ‘first right to lease’ agreements. We strongly feel that this practice, while common, is a violation of the spirit of the Early Lease Signing ordinance, speeds up the timeline, and initiates the pressure on students. The ordinance is intended to slow down the early lease signing that has been plaguing U of M students for years and this practice only results in the same pressures and stresses on prospective residents as signing leases early does. We STRONGLY encourage prospective residents to seek out landlords and management companies who are in FULL compliance with the letter and spirit of the ordinance. It is all the same people leasing all the same units – there is no reason for it to be happening any earlier than the ordinance allows.

We will begin ‘showing’ units and signing leases as follows:

  • For May leases (apartments or houses with 3 – 9 people) – late November or early December.
  • For Fall leases (apartments with 3 people or less) – late March or early April.

Please see our current listings pages for up to date timelines each year.

In order to increase equity in the leasing process, we will begin accepting email contact only five days prior to the date we can start showing. Please email us at according to the timeline listed on the current listings page.

Our process is to randomize responses and reach out to schedule showings in the following weeks after we open contact. We feel it is important to keep prospective tenants informed and set reasonable expectations. While we would love to house everyone who is interested, demand is always high in Ann Arbor, so there is no guarantee of an apartment even if you email first thing on day five.

We encourage all students to wait until it is legal to sign leases as it creates a more equitable leasing season. We wish you the best of luck with your search!

If you are a current tenant, we will ask you about renewal about one month before the showing dates listed above and provide you a few weeks to decide.

Our leasing process is fairly simple and straightforward. We have found that the standard lease provided to us from the University of Michigan coupled with a short one page addendum is sufficient for our leases. By using the UofM lease, you can be sure that the lease is legal and concise. Our addendum is also designed to provide tips as to how we hope our properties will be cared for. We developed this addendum to help guide residents while living in our properties. It lays out rules that we feel are essential to ensuring a safe, damage-free lease term. Please refer to the links below to see both of the aforementioned forms.

University of Michigan Off-campus housing lease

Wessinger Properties Addendum

One of the most common questions we get is concerning subleasing. All of our leases our 12-month leases and begin in either May or September. Sub-leasing is a common practice and is allowed at our properties with our written permission. We reserve the right to refuse a particular agreement if we feel it is in the best interest of us or the property. All sub-leases must be facilitated through the use of a sub-lease agreement and the exchange of a security deposit between the primary and sub-tenants. We are happy to provide some guidance towards the successful completion of a sublet but all responsibility for finding and signing a sub-tenant is the responsibility of the primary tenant. Below are links to the sub-lease agreement that is available from the UofM Off-campus Housing office as well as a sub-leasing guideline.

Sub-lease Agreement

Sub-leasing Guidelines

Please see our FAQ page for answers to some common questions.

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